The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 10th of March at 1pm in the National Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre Lecture Theatre. We have plenty to report and will cover the following:
- Membership renewals from 12 noon
- Update on Éireannach project: the Steering Committee will update us on progress
- Committee Elections – see below
- Séamus O’Brien of the National Botanic Gardens Arboretum at Kilmacurragh will give a talk after the meeting, we encourage all attending to stay on for what should be a very interesting talk.
We’ll send a more detailed agenda out to members closer to the time of the meeting.
Committee Nominations and Election
The following positions require nomination and election in 2018:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Treasurer
- Communications Officer
- Non-officer Committee members x 2
Nomination forms are available from the ISBA Communications Officer by request (isba.committee@gmail.com). We encourage any members who have an interest in serving on the Committee to consider a position. The Committee is a vibrant, positive group and the work is very rewarding. We need all sorts of skills and welcome all nominations. Nomination forms should be sent to the following address before 16 February:
ISBA Committee Nominations
The Library
National Botanic Gardens
Dublin 9